#113 Jennifer Taylor Wagner [Intentional Reset: Your Good Body]

How do you feel about the body you’re living in?

Summer is about to begin and as the weather warms we wear less and show more of our bodies, but for many of us that ramps up negative feelings because we’re not happy with how our bodies look.

Today I’m talking with Jennifer Taylor Wagner, author of Your Good Body, who encourages us to take small steps toward resetting how we view our bodies in order to love them as they are. She reminds us that God desires for us to be whole - spirit, soul AND body, and that pursuing wellness should encompass our entire selves because external changes alone won’t heal what’s on the inside.

You’ll hear us talk about…

  • Jennifer’s body journey and mindset shift

  • Viewing your right-now body as good and living free in it

  • Trusting God in your transformation

  • Pursing wellness with worthwhile motives

Jennifer Taylor Wagner is a certified fitness instructor and successful blogger. She is passionate about challenging the way we think about health, wellness, and regularly writes on the topics of healthy living and body positivity. Whether it’s hosting online webinars, speaking in auditoriums, or chatting at MOPS meetings, she is committed to helping others find hope in their journey. Jennifer lives in Virginia with her husband, Phil and their two kids. 

Mentioned in this Episode

Your Good Body Book

Your Good Body Podcast

1 Thessalonians 5:23 – May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Samuel 16:7 - Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

Jennifer's Favorite 5

Nespresso Machine

One Mile of Worship

Her Kids’ Swing

Teaching Group Fitness

Her Kids' Ages and Stages

Connect with Jennifer

Instagram | Facebook | Website

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Summer of Friendship 2023


#112 Arlene Pellicane [Intentional Reset: Your Happy Home]