#36 Jenni Lien [Celebrating our God-Given Design]

JenniLien is the writer and artist behind The Yay Project which seeks to help womencelebrate their God-given design by reminding them that ‘You Are You’ (Yay!).Through The Yay Project, she’s had the joy of e-praising God with women fromall over the world.

Jenni is a second generation immigrant. She was born in the UK, moved to Canada when she was eight and now lives in Hong Kong. In our conversation Jenni talks about growing up experiencing lots of diversity and how that led her to appreciate how different God has made us.  She shares what led her to Hong Kong and describes the culture, the current unrest and her experience with the coronavirus. Jenni talks about not giving into fear, but trying to be a light during fearful times.  

Then wedig in to how and why Jenni started The Yay Project. Jenni talks about feelinglike her life was going exactly according to God’s plan and how when that planfell apart, all she had was God’s faithfulness to get her through. She says “throughthat whole experience, he brought me to a place where I was just so in lovewith him.” During that time was whenhe gave her the vision for her project. Jenni talks about carrying a fear ofrejection and needing to heal from some old wounds in order to more fullyaccept her God-given design, and how she wants to encourage other women to dothe same.

Jenni isoverjoyed to connect with women so deeply through a shared love of God. Whennot creating for Yay, she works in children’s book publishing and is also afreelance food writer.

The Yay Project

Praying All Day

Yay Sister Series

Jenni's Favorite 5

Whistles Dresses

Oliplex Hair Treatment

I Give You Authority by Charles Kraft       

Spotify Top Christian Playlist

iPad and Apple Pencil

Connect with Jenni

Instagram | Facebook | Website

Pure Haven is the maker of fresh, safe, personal and home care products. Their mission is to educate consumers about pure, safe, alternative personal care choices that empower people to live the healthiest lifestyle possible. Their products are 100% free of toxins. Guaranteed. 

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#37 Jasmine Holmes [Mother to Son]


#35 Joy Vetterlein [Christian Misfit]