#46 Kari Kampakis [Love Her Well]

Kari Kampakis joins me to talk about raising our teenage daughters. Kari is the mom of four girls, has written books for teen girls and has recently released a book for the moms of teenage girls called Love Her Well.

On the show today Kari and I talk about the struggle between nurturing the mother/daughter relationship and directing and correcting our girls as a parent. Kari says it’s possible to do both, but it has to be “rooted in love.” We talk about choosing our words carefully and how the timing of those words matter too. Kari shares a story about not saying what was on her mind in order to preserve a good moment she was having with her daughter. Sometimes it okay to save the correction for later.

Kari tells us that admitting to our kids when we’re wrong can be a game changer in our relationship. They see so much “perfect” in our culture. It’s important for them to know that we’re not perfect and that’s why we need a savior.

Kari and I talk about connecting and having fun with our daughters and that we need to keep extending the invitation to our girls and that some of the best times and deepest conversations happen spontaneously, and they’re not fancy at all.

Kari says that our identity as moms is not tied to the decisions our kids are making. We are parenting without guarantees. But God created us “to parent with a spirit of strength and not defeat.”

Kari lives in Birmingham, Alabama. Her books for teen girls, 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know and Liked: Whose Approval Are You Living For?, have been used across the country by youth and church groups. Kari’s work has been featured on the TODAY Show, TODAY Parents, Yahoo! News, EWTN, Proverbs 31, and more.

Love Her Well: 10 Ways to Find Joy and Connection with Your Teenage Daughter

The Teenage Brain

The Girl Mom Podcast

Kari's Favorite 5

Apple AirPods

Barefoot Dreams Blanket

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Fairhope, Alabama

This Is Us

Connect with Kari

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#47 Brooke Robertson [Taking Back My Voice]


#45 Amanda Warfield [Take Back Your Time]