#50 Amber Cullum [Getting Rest and Giving Thanks]

Do you find yourself struggling to see the gifts of the season you’re in?
Have you ever wanted to implement a weekly Sabbath into your family’s rhythm?

Amber Cullum joins me to talk about the daily practice of gratitude and introducing a rhythm of family Sabbath.

Amber and I talk about why she implemented the practice of gratitude into her life. She tells us how giving thanks actually changes us, first our attitudes and then our brains. When we give thanks, we’re focusing on the gifts God’s given us, instead of what we don’t have or how we’re feeling about a particular circumstance. And sometimes we need a visual reminder of this on a daily basis.

Amber and her husband have introduced to their family is the rhythm of Sabbath. Amber shares what that looks like for her family, why they feel it’s important to their family culture, and she talks about the challenges and benefits she’s seen so far.

Amber Cullum is a wife to Sam, mom of 3, and the host of Grace Enough Podcast. A podcast designed to encourage the believer that God can use you to impact His kingdom no matter your story. She is a graduate of the University of Kentucky, a Physical Therapist by trade, but a stay at home momma by choice. It is a choice she is grateful for, but like many things it is not easy. Amber is passionate about connecting with people and learning the stories of God’s grace in their lives.


Ann Voskamp

One Thousand Gifts

Philippians 4:6 - Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


Family TeamsSabbath

Sacred Rest by Saundra Dalton

24/6 Book by Matthew Sleeth

Grace Enough – Sabbath episode

Amber's Favorite 5

Shampoo Bar

Mr. Pen Bible Highlighters

Leather Earrings (Designed for Joy; Hope and Vine)

Another Gospel Book by Alisa Childers

Vanilla Crumb Cake by Candleberry

Connect with Amber

Instagram | Facebook | Website

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#51 Kristan Dooley [Taking Left Turns with Jesus]


#49 Yvonne Marie [Kill the Busy]