#77 Jenni Lien [The Gathering Project]

How many times have you resolved to get together with your friends more often, but instead get overly busy with other commitments or Netflix it from your couch most nights? Yeah, me too. Let’s make 2022 the year that we really prioritize our friendships and seek out meaningful connections.

Join me for a mini-course to plan, prep and gather with your girlfriends. I’ll give you the special sauce to create a meaningful gathering and the accountability to actually do it!

Jenni Lien is joining me to share her experience with The Gathering Project, the gathering she planned and the community that’s come out of it. ⠀

I invited Jenni to participate in the very first round of my mini-workshop. She graciously accepted my invitation, but had no real plans of hosting a gathering. But as she worked through the week of prompts and prayed about what God would have her do, she devised a plan to gather a small group of women, not once, but on a regular basis to share the ups and downs of life. ⠀

Listen in to hear Jenni's experience and how she has been blessed by this community! You can also read her full review on her blog.

Jenni Lien is the writer and artist behind The Yay Project which seeks to help women celebrate their God-given design by reminding them that ‘You Are You’ (Yay!). Through The Yay Project, she’s had the joy of e-praising God with women from all over the world.

#36 Jenni Lien [Celebrating Our God-given Design]

The Yay Project

The Gathering Project

Connect with Jenni

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The Gathering Project

Girls Talking Life is all about being in community with other women, so during this 5-day workshop we will plan, prep and gathering with our girlfriends.

The next round of begins January 24th, 2022.  You can save your spot right now.

My mission is to help you gather, have conversations, create meaningful connections, and build lasting friendships.

Save Your Spot!


#78 Sarah K. Butterfield [Make the Most of Your God-given Time]


#76 Anna Nash [Why Christmas Matters]