#99 Rebekah Hargraves [Don't Believe the Lies, Mama]

Are you believing lies about your motherhood? Do you feel like you have to keep it all together or that you are responsible for your child’s happiness?

Rebekah Hargraves and I are digging into some common lies moms believe, starting with where they come from, and how we can use the gospel to fight against them.

You’ll hear us talk about…

  • How Motherhood is Important Work, but Not Your Highest Calling
  • How “Keeping Your Act Together” Hurts Your Testimony
  • How You Are Not Responsible for Your Kid’s Happiness
  • Refuting Any Lie with Gospel Truth

Rebekah Hargraves is a wife, homeschooling mama of two, blogger, podcaster, speaker, and author whose passion is to edify, equip, and encourage women in their journey of Biblical womanhood, particularly with an emphasis on the gospel and its implications for everyday life.

Bonus - Lie #31: Good Moms Do "XYZ"

There was so much good stuff in this conversation, I couldn’t fit it all into this episode! If you sometimes wonder if another mom’s way of parenting is the right way or if you feel like your way is the only way to be a good mom, you won’t want to miss Rebekah and I talk about Lie #31 “Good Moms Do XYZ”. Grab the rest of our conversation to hear Rebekah’s story and gospel truth on this!

Get the Bonus Audio!

Lies Moms Believe (And How the Gospel Refutes Them)

The Home & Hearth Podcast

Rebekah's Favorite 5

Tank Top Set

Color Street Nail Polish Strips

All Creatures Great and Small

All Things Fall

World War II Novels

Connect with Rebekah

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Rebekah is generously giving a copy of her book, Lies Moms Believe, to one lucky GTL listener.

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#100 [Celebrating 100 Episodes]


#98 Ashley Brown [Get Organized this Fall with Routines]