Episode #23 Amanda Anderson

Amanda Anderson joins me to talk friendship on episode #23.  Female friendships can be challenging, but Amanda has some great thoughts on being intentional and going after the relationships we want.

Amanda and I talk about authenticity in friendships and what itlooks like to go deeper.  She explainswhat self-awareness has to do with friendship, how you can’t share yourselfauthentically if you don’t know yourself. We also talk about finding the time for friendship and how sometimes youjust have to fit it in where you can. Amanda tells us her best friend calls her on the way to work every dayand sometimes she’ll do “multi-task friend dating” where she and a girlfriendwill run their errands together. 

In her book, Amanda quotes Jim Rohm saying “we become the averageof the five people we spend the most time with.” That’s a big deal!  We need to be super intentional about who ourfriends are.  Amanda shares somedifferences between having flawed friends (all of us, right?) verses havingfoolish people in our lives. We also talk about what to do when your feelingsare hurt by a friend or if you’ve hurt someone else.  Amanda tells us about accountability infriendships and how to invite others to hold us accountable for things we’retrying to overcome or goals we’ve set for ourselves.

I loved chatting with Amanda. She is fun and knowledgeable and definitely someone I’d call a friend.

All My FriendsHave Issues

“Walk with wise and become wise.  Associate with fools and get in trouble.”  Proverbs 13:20 (NLT)

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Her Friends!

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Episode #24 Lori Lara


Episode #22 Leslie Verner