Episode #25 Sarah Tenney

Sarah Tenney is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Family Coach, mom of 3 and owner of Love Well LLC. Sarah enjoys coming alongside women and families to normalize the joys and challenges of daily living and family, while offering encouragement and practical strategies for wanted change. The Love Well community provides counseling, family coaching, workshops, and retreats. Sarah also enjoys speaking to groups where she is known to be vulnerable and relatable while sharing her story and impacting yours.

Today on the show Sarah and I talk about her journey to owning her own counseling practice. We talk what family coaching looks like and Sarah’s heart for women and building community.

Sarah and I go on to talk about self-care, how it can be hard to take time for ourselves but how important it is for us and the people around us. Sarah tells us that we have to love ourselves well so we can love others well. She says we need to shed the gilt of taking time for ourselves by reframing self-care as something we’re doing so we can be a better mom, better wife, better employee. 

We share some examples of things we do to care forourselves, but Sarah says that self-care is different for everyone and you needto notice the things that are good for your soul. 

It was such a pleasure to talk with Sarah. Her gentle, caring spirit really comes through in this conversation and she has such great ideas on loving well.   

Young Life

Love Well, LLC

All the Children of the World Academy

Love Well Escape Retreat

MOPS International

Sarah's Favorite 5

Well Watered Women

Bullet Journaling

Trader Joe’s Apple Cider Jam

Uptown Westerville

The Gemma Shop

Connect with Sarah

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Episode #26 Amanda Davison


Episode #24 Lori Lara