Friendships and Faith

Hey friend,

I’m Yohonna

I’m the creator and host of the Girls Talking Life podcast where you will hear God-honoring conversations to encourage you in your faith, life, and friendships. I have four decades of friendship experience and a heart for connecting women to the Word of God and to each other.

I believe the two most important things you can invest your life in are knowing God by reading His word and knowing people by prioritizing relationships.

I say “knowing” because that’s the first step to loving. It’s pretty hard to love someone you don’t know.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:37-40 that loving God and loving our neighbors should be our top priorities. So I’m on a journey toward those two things. Wanna join me?

a little more about me

I live in central Ohio, along with my husband, two daughters, and one bad dog. I am continuously challenged to find enough time in the day, to be brave enough to take action on the hard things, and to love Jesus more.

I’ve been featured in By Design Journal, in the Begin Within Gratitude Series, and on several podcasts including A Wife Like Me, Grace in Real Life, and the Build Your Best Family podcast. Here are some more places you can find me.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a Master of Education. When I’m not moonlighting as a podcast host, I work as a systems analyst at Case Western Reserve University.

My Favorite Five


The Bible Recap

This reading plan and podcast have completely changed how I feel about reading my bible. It’s a chronological, one-year reading plan, but do not let that discourage you. I don’t do it in a year! You read that day’s chapters and then listen to the short podcast on those chapters. Tara-Leigh Cobble is the host and she walks you through what you just read. Some of it is exactly what the name suggested, a recap, and some of it is deep diving into the meaning of the text or historical details, that you wouldn’t know unless you were a bible scholar! This podcast has been a game-changer for me. I am about to finish my third trip through the entire bible and I know more about God’s character and the wonder of Jesus than ever.


Faster WaY

In the summer of 2020, I joined my friend Abby Miller’s new client group of Faster Way to Fat Loss*. I do not love this name. It’s a little gimmicky to me, but don’t let the name fool you! This program is amazing! You learn about whole food nutrition, you focus on hydration and you move your body. You also have access to 30-minute workouts that are new every day. I’ve lost inches, I’m getting better sleep, I have more energy, but maybe most exciting for me is that I’ve gain muscle!



You’ve probably heard other women on the internet talking about Stitchfix* and I haven’t mentioned it because I didn’t want to seem like I was just jumping on the bandwagon, but I really do love this service. I’m not a fan of clothes shopping. Too many decisions! But with Stitchfix, there are five things to decide on. Keep it or send it back. And those five things have been tailored to your taste and preferences. I’ve been noticing when someone compliments something I’m wearing it’s almost always something I’ve gotten from Stitchfix. So that’s how it made it to my top five. It makes shopping so much easier!


Pink Grapefruit Sugar Body Scrub

In the past, Pure Haven body oil has been a top five of mine, and still use and love it, but its cousin the pink grapefruit body scrub* has beaten it out this year! This stuff smells delicious, it exfoliates, moisturizes and softens my skin. I don’t use it everyday, but it’s definitely part of my shower routine! And the best part is it's made by Pure Haven whose products are 100% free of toxins!


Juice Beauty CC Cream

I’ve been using Juice Beauty products for a few years now. I use a lot of their skincare and my absolute favorite thing to put on my face is their Stem Cellular CC Cream. This stuff is amazing! It’s made without all of the chemicals, which is really important to me. It’s SPF 30, and it evens my skin tone and gives me this glowing complexion!

*This is an affiliate link, but please know that this is something I truly love and would (and do!) recommend to my friends and family. Using one of these links to purchase a product or service directly supports Girls Talking Life at no extra cost to you.

Tune into the show to hear my guests' Favorite 5 and be sure to sign up for the GTL newsletter to get the whole list plus links in one place!