#102 Jill E. McCormick [Move Away from Being a Try-hard Girl]

Are you living the try-hard life? Do you find yourself working for your worth? Is it hard for you to accept the grace God offers?

I’m joined today by Jill E. McCormick, a try-hard girl - i.e., a woman who wants to wholeheartedly pursue Christ, live and love well, and extend grace to herself and others, but isn’t always sure how to do that in real life - who helps other try-hard girls (like me!) move toward being grace girls by understanding and applying grace in their real lives.

You’ll hear us talk about…

  • Jill’s story and her introduction to the concept of grace
  • What grace is and how we can practically apply it everyday
  • Why grace may be hard for us to receive
  • The impact grace can have on our relationships

Jill McCormick is the host of the Grace In Real Life podcast and the writer behind jillemccormick.com, spaces where she shares common-sense grace with the try-hard girl who wants her faith to intersect with her real and full life. Jill lives in South Texas with her high-school-sweetheart-now-husband Ryan, their two daughters, and one Vizsla puppy.

Grace In Real Life podcast

Grace for the Good Girl by Emily P. Freeman

Jill's Favorite 5

The Pause App

Volunteering with her Daughter at their local Dog Shelter

What Made My Heart Happy Today List

KJV Strong’s App

The Prodigal Prophet by Timothy Keller

Connect with Jill

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Enneagram Guide

Jill and talked about the Enneagram a few time in today's episode. If you don't know what the Enneagram is or want to understand it better, Jill has a quick start guide for you!

You'll learn what the Enneagram is, what it isn't, and what's important to know about your type. 

Grab your Quick Start Guide to the Enneagram!


#103 Natalie Hixson [Leave Destructive Anger Behind]


#101 Robyn Rison Chapman [God Can Use Your Ordinary Life]