#103 Natalie Hixson [Leave Destructive Anger Behind]

We have lots of emotions. Anger is one of them and it can be destructive, but it doesn’t have to be. 

Natalie Hixson is here to share her story of destructive anger and give us hope.

Natalie and I talk about processing anger in a healthy way. She shares what to do in the heat of the moment, how to handle it if you blow it, and a longer term approach to finding out what’s really behind the anger by tracking what triggers you.

We also talk about preparing yourself to be a situation you know might be stressful and could trigger your anger.

You’ll hear us talk about…

  • How time with the Lord can change you

  • Normal anger vs. destructive anger

  • How to work through anger in a healthy way

  • Tracking what triggers you/growing in your awareness

  • Planning ahead for stressful situations

Natalie Hixson is a wife, mother, auntie, and certified professional life coach who helps discouraged Christian moms overcome destructive anger and burnout. After learning to thrive in motherhood and process anger in a healthy way, Natalie became convicted to help other moms avoid those dark years of motherhood by helping them to appreciate and process their anger, learn to identify their triggers, and ultimately control their reaction to those triggering situations.

She enjoys her own motherhood journey by hanging with her husband Mike and their three daughters in beautiful Bozeman, Montana. She recharges with Jesus, coffee, and adventures with her family like skiing in the winter, and hiking in the summer!

Mentioned in this Episode

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. – Ezekiel 36:26

Trigger Tracker

Work with Natalie

Natalie's Favorite 5


axis.org – Culture Translator

Espresso Maker

American Eagle

Autumn Bath and Body Works

Connect with Natalie


Favorite 5 Gift Guide

The Girls Talking Life Favorite 5 Gift Guide is here! This guide is a collection of my guests' favorites shared on the show that will make terrific gifts for your favorite people this season. The gift ideas are broken down into categories, linked to where you can find them online, and linked to the episode where they were shared.

Get Your Gift Guide!


#104 Victoria Duerstock [Bring Peace into Your Heart and Home]


#102 Jill E. McCormick [Move Away from Being a Try-hard Girl]