#43 Gem Fadling [What Does Your Soul Love?]

Today I’m talking with Gem Fadling, founding Partner of Unhurried Living, Inc. and author of What Does Your Soul Love? Eight Questions That Reveal God’s Work in You. Gem begins by explaining the difference between busy and hurry. She says, “busy is more external and hurry is more about your heart, your soul.” She talks about being reintroduced to Jesus, putting him back at the center, and how that changed the trajectory of the rest her life.

Gem and I go on to talk about her book, where she came up with the questions that make up each chapter and how sitting in the questions can actually bring about transformation. Gem shares that this journey started by her asking the question, “how did I get here?” and prompts us to ask questions like, “where am I?”, “am “I enjoying this?”, “am I happy with the progress I’ve made?” She tells us that by asking questions like these, she started to experience God in new ways.

Gem and I talk about soul focus and what it means to pay attention to our souls. Gem shares about the practice of Silence and Solitude and how that practice has made a space in her soul she considers to be an unhurried space. Gem talks about spiritual direction and when we might need someone else to help us process through our feelings and when it might be time to go deeper. Gems says God is the one initiating our transformation and “it’s a joy to cooperate.”

Gem Fadling is a founding partner of Unhurried Living, Inc., a non-profit that resources and trains Christian leaders to rest deeper, live fuller, and lead better. A trained spiritual director, speaker and podcaster, Gem is the author of What Does Your Soul Love? Eight Questions That Reveal God’s Work in You. Gem is a lover of Jesus and her mission is working with women in helping them see how Jesus is working in their lives.

What Does Your Soul Love? Eight Questions That Reveal God’s Work in You

Unhurried Living

Solitude and Silence

Gem's Favorite 5

Saturday Walk and Talk

Trader Joe’s

Amazon Prime Music

Pray as You Go App


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