#73 Kaci Sintek [Breast Cancer Warrior]

Kaci was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 31, right at the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Knowing that God could use every part of her life for something powerful, she worked to make one of the hardest years of her life one of the most meaningful. She launched a breast cancer themed Christian devotional for women called Twice the Warrior. The book tells about God's hand in her own journey, along with fifteen other breast cancer warriors.

Today on the show Kaci is sharing the story of her breast cancer journey. It’s full of the things you’d expect like biopsies, surgeries and chemotherapy, but Kaci has SO MUCH MORE to say.

You’ll hear us talk about:

  • The whirlwind of her cancer diagnosis
  • Feeling betrayed by God
  • Deciding to use her situation for God’s glory
  • Viewing hard things as opportunities
  • Using your story to show God’s goodness

While her initial reaction to her diagnosis was “why me?” She makes a bold decision to use her situation to glorify God. Kaci realized that narrating what she was going through was powerful to her healing and she wanted to help other women too.

Her devotional Twice the Warrior, is about fighting cancer, but it’s also about fighting for people to know God. Kaci says that in difficult times we have to remember that God is good, and we should ask God what He’s opening this door for. Kaci says it’s all about shifting your perspective and calls her experience with cancer a “beautiful opportunity.”

Twice the Warrior: Christian Devotional for Breast Cancer Warriors

It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way

Kaci's Favorite 6

Kayaking with Whales

Auditioning for American Idol

Running a Marathon

Paragliding in Switzerland


Via Ferrata in Telluride

Connect with Kaci

Instagram | Facebook | Website


#74 Alieta Casey [A Warm and Welcoming Home for the Holidays]


#72 Leah Rempel [Put Your Faith into Action]