What's a Podcast?

New to the world of podcasts? So were we once, but Girls Talking Life has you covered! A podcast is a digital audio recording, typically part of a series, of which new installments can be received automatically by subscribers.How does one subscribe, you ask? Easy.  If you're using an iOS device (iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch), you'll need the Podcasts app, available though the App Store.  In the Podcasts app, you can search iTunes for the podcast you're looking for.  Once you find it, tap Subscribe on the page for that podcast. and your app with be automatically updated with each new episode.  You can manage your subscriptions and play podcast episodes in My Podcasts.What if you don't have have an iOS device?  We're sorry, but Girls Talking Life is only available on iTunes right now.  UPDATE: Girls Talking Life is now on Stitcher, GooglePlay and Spotify!What does it cost?  Absolutely nothing!


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