Why Listen?

After time with girlfriends, I always feel encouraged and supported, inspired to try something different or have learned something new.  Girls Talking Life is here for you when you can't be with your girlfriends.  Tune in to hear real stories and refreshing ideas to stir your soul.So why listen?To be encouraged - we want to encourage you to live contently, cultivate community, be intentional, initiate change and love others well!To be entertained - here at GTL we're sharing sharing stories, because every story matters. So sit back and listen to what other fantastic women have to say!To get fresh ideas - we want to stir your soul, to make you think about something in a different way, to learn something new!And the best part, you can listen anywhere, anytime!Listen on your drive to work.Listen as you fold laundry.Listen while you workout.Listen as you....fill in the blank.  Any of your semi-mindless tasks can become exciting when you push play and spend time with us.


Episode #01: Carly Hager


What's a Podcast?